Download Registry Finder 2.57
Download Registry Finder 2.57

download Registry Finder 2.57

Supported OS: Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.Technical Details and System Requirements Ability to search within previous search results, narrowing down your search scope.Whole search results are displayed in a list.Multiple local and remote registry windows.Undo and redo registry modifications (except changing permissions) Setup File Name: RegistryFinder-2.57.rar Full Setup Size: 5.If some item no longer matches the search criteria, it remains on the list. After the replacement is done, items in the window are updated. by Lee Michaelis There is always something that can be added to a piece of software. In the Replace dialog, you specify all items or selected ones. The replacement is performed only in items in the Find Results window. With the Replace feature, you can easily replace all or particular occurrences of one string with another. The icon shows where the match occurred: key name, value name, or value data. Each line represents a single match with the search criteria. All found items are displayed in a separate window as a list. The Find operation is efficient and quick. Next time you start Registry Finder, It will reopen those windows on the duplicate keys as before. It is allowed to open multiple Registry windows. Registry Finder allows you to browse the local registry create, delete, and rename keys and values modify values as their raw data type (string, multi-string, DWORD) or binary data. It has basic facilities of the system RegEdit that is enough in most simple use-cases. Free Download Registry Finder latest version standalone offline installer for Windows.

Download Registry Finder 2.57