Supports the double eighteen set of dominoes Keep score for an unlimited number of players

Domino Scorekeeper Deluxe also allows you to keep score for an unlimited number of players. This means that deliveries are usually twice as fast as with DHL Economy.Have you ever lost a big game of Dominoes? Struggled to count your points quickly? Well here is your solution for point counting and score keeping! Domino Scorekeeper Deluxe is great for adding up the dots on a large number of tiles at the end of a round of Mexican Train dominoes. We ship with DHL Premium instead of DHL Economy.

In this instance, the statutory provisions shall apply.

If this is not possible or should the customer not agree, the vendor may not render the promised service. In the event of an ordered item not being available, the vendor reserves the right to render a service equivalent in quality and price (goods or service) insofar as this is reasonable for the customer and the latter agrees to the replacement in writing. The costs of transport and packaging are only charged once with part-deliveries.